
Please read this carefully.  Thank you in advance.

The Unbreakable Inc. online system you are using was created using the open source Moodle platform which was designed with security as a top priority, and you can find more information about that by clicking here:

We designed Unbreakable Inc.'s Moodle-based site to provide for maximum user confidentiality.  Therapy-related client accounts do not require any personal information that could be used to identify you.  Public accounts include a minimum amount of user information.  Should you choose to answer questions within the system's various modules, you are encouraged to exclude any information that could be used to identify yourself or anyone else.  For example, instead of saying, "Aunt Jane," you could simply say, "Aunt J.", or use another label that includes even less identifying information.  

Acceptance of this policy means that you have understood the policy, agree to its terms, and will interact with the system according to your level of comfort and electronic risk tolerance.

Thank you,

Unbreakable Inc.